Modelling and optimization of insertion maneuvers at Mars

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Insertion maneuvers are used to move a spacecraft from an open orbit (parabolic or hyperbolic) into a closed orbit around a target body. These maneuvers are key components in any space mission considering orbiting a body for a large amount of time, for exploration or landing; the hyperbolic orbit will be the one that will be used to transfer between Earth and the target, while the closed orbit will be the one on which the spacecraft will station. In preliminary mission studies, insertion maneuvers are often assumed as being performed at pericenter, and with the two velocity vectors (before and after the maneuver) having the same direction. However, this method does not account for the relative orientation of the two orbits, which are often constrained by separate optimization studies, which may not grant the necessary conditions for a tangential insertion. This study aims to provide a simple method to perform preliminary studies on insertion maneuvers, while ensuring the continuity between the two trajectories, even when those are subject to shape or orientation requirements. The objective is to optimize the insertion maneuver for a crewed mission to Mars, and via this case study gain insight in the best maneuver available (instead of assuming a pericenter, tangential insertion), as well as the best shape and orientation of the trajectories before and after the maneuver.