Development of a Low-Cost, Solid-State, Line-Laser Distance Sensor

An Integrated Approach

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Many robotic systems rely on laser ranging sensors to navigate and map their environment. As robots are getting more advanced, smaller and cheaper, their sensors need to decrease in size and cost, while increasing their reliability and accuracy. Current laser-based sensors have difficulty to meet these properties. They are either large, expensive, contain moving parts or provide insufficient amounts of information.

This thesis introduces an integrated approach for the development of an eye-safe, low-cost, solid-state, wide-angle line-laser distance sensor, tackling these challenges. A prototype is derived by constructing a generic, camera independent, triangulation model. The model, combined with a set of pre-defined requirements, is used to select hardware components and predict the sensor limits. A unified calibration step is proposed to estimate both camera intrinsics as well as misalignment errors with the same set of data. Additionally, a microsecond-accurate open loop synchronization system for laser activation and imager exposure is presented.

Tests show that the prototyped sensor is able to measure distances up to 3 meters with an error of 4%. At 2 meter, the error is just under 2%. Additionally, the solid-state prototype has a field-of-view of 105 degrees, an angular resolution of 0.8 degrees, an update rate of 10Hz and an estimated cost of just below $35.


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- Embargo expired in 14-12-2019