Towards a project specific innovative design approach

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In this report you will find the research I did to innovative façade design processes. To come up with an innovative façade engineering for the Tianjin library in china and make a proper comparison to a more product specific engineering, I first need to learn more about façades in general. To achieve this I read several books, talk to different companies and look into some cases. These books learn my about: requirements from the context and climate. Requirements from the Dutch building legislation, on topics as insulation, noise level, ventilation and daylight. Comfort requirements, on topics as temperature, daylight and air refreshment/ventilation. With these requirements in mind I was able to do a project specific façade engineering for the case and make a comparison between a project specific façade engineering and a product façade engineering. The outcome was positive to a project specific engineering. After this design process and the interviews with the different companies (ABT, MVRDV, Schüco, FBA, Sorba and Alcoa) I found a way how to achieve a project specific design where the concessions the architect has to do are as little as possible. This in contrast with the current process where the architects has to do a lot of unwanted concessions.