Playfully Cracking Cultures

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Cultural differences in the business world are often met with surprise and irritation. The aim of this graduation project was to create a persuasive game design that teaches managers in an international context how to work with cultural differences. For this, the game makes use of the the cultural theoretical model that was created by Fons Trompenaars and the most extensive database on cultural values. Through interviews and context research was concluded that managers want to learn personalised and pragmatic knowledge in a quick time frame that can be easily translated to the business domain. The game should be played individually and in preparation before the cultural encounter. After a brainstorm and showing my initial ideas to possible end-users was concluded that a boat travel narrative was most accessible, and a playthrough was worked out. Multiple visual styles were explored for the design resulting in three visual concepts. These were evaluated on scalability and through paper prototype tests. The chosen concept was slightly altered to become the final concept. A minimum viable game (MVG) has been created based on the Italian culture that takes managers through a narrative in which they have to travel to an island. During the journey they receive tips about culture and on the island they have a simulated meeting with three Italians, each having a slightly different culture based off the Italian culture. This MVG has been evaluated with the target group within a limited scope to confirm that the firstly described goal of the game had been reached. Finally, the project closes with future recommendations for the game.