Semi-custom VLSI Design and Realization of DC-DC Converters in UMC90

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As CMOS technology is scaling down, the effect of voltage drop in power distribution network is becoming more prominent. Such voltage drops on power lines in a clock network introduces significant amount of skew, thereby degrading the signal integrity. With rising power consumption and decreasing supply voltages, the upply current will increase in future devices. The IR drops can be reduced by using large wires which negatively impacts the global routing. Thus to provide proper supply voltages, on chip DC-DC converters are designed. The purpose of this project is to design an on-chip DC-DC converter targeted for System on Chip (SOC). In this thesis switched capacitor up converter and differential based voltage down converter is designed in UMC90. A new design for differential based voltage down converter is described to increase the efficiency of the converter. The specifications of the converters are defined by the system requirements. After meting the system requirements, layout of both converters is designed. The converters designed have high efficiency and small layout area.
