Data communication in 2025

Designing data communication for ActiZ Benchmark Zorg

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The project initiation originated from a challenge noticed by Deloitte. Deloitte noticed a mismatch between the degree and pace of innovation in data dashboards and the needs of the end-users of the dashboard. Deloitte creates digital dashboard to communicate all kind of data and information to their clients. They develop the dashboards along with the trends while the clients does not adopt the innovations and do not use all provided functions and features. The aim of this project is to develop a way of data communication for 2025 that provides the users with insights and matches to their needs.
A project of Deloitte is selected as case study. Deloitte and ActiZ, branch organization for caregivers, provide as strategic benchmark to the elderly healthcare sector. The benchmark is presented on a digital platform, ActiZ Benchmark Zorg. Members of ActiZ use the strategic benchmark to gain insights of their performance relative to other members. (Deloitte, 2017)
The first step was to discover the current situation of data communication. A walkthrough, discussion with ActiZ and Deloitte and interviews with CEOs in the sector are the base of this first step. The walkthrough and discussions let to insights about the usability of the current dashboard. From the interviews the CEOs experience of the current situation is analyzed. The interviews focusing on the user experience and needs of the data communication. To get an image of data communication in 2025 a literature research is conducted. The research focuses on developments in an organization and in data communication. The developments in data communication can be divided in technology and communication developments. Combining the gained insights from user and future perspective a design goal is formulated; the design should stimulate and facilitate the CEOs to gain insight from the strategic benchmark and facilitate communication between the CEO, CFO and HR manager about benchmark findings to maintain the overview.
Via iterations with paper prototyping and a final user test the concept is improved to match the design goal. The user tests gave clear understanding of their experience of Actiz Benchmark Zorg 2.0 and how to enrich the experience. The result of this project is ActiZ Benchmark Zorg 2.0, a digital dashboard for CEOs in the elderly care, providing the strategic benchmark in the elderly care. CEOs can make data driven decisions of organizational strategy and vision by gained insights from Actiz Benchmark Zorg 2.0. The simple and clear structure provides an effortless and seamless navigation experience, so the user feels in control. By only showing the main topics and the option to dive deeper in to the data the overview will be maintained. The CEO is not overwhelmed by an overload of information. A selection menu and the data visualization stimulates to dive deeper in the data when needed. Features like notifications for changes and warnings, chatbot as helpdesk and easily sharing insights with others, facilitate the CEO to gain insights with less effort. This way of interacting is stimulating and creates curiosity. Via a scenario the interaction and features of the design will be explained.