Damage characterization of laminated composites using acoustic emission: A review

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Damage characterization of laminated composites has been thoroughly studied the last decades where researchers developed several damage models, and in combination with experimental evidence, contributed to better understanding of the structural behavior of these structures. Experimental techniques played an essential role on this progress and among the techniques that were utilized, acoustic emission (AE) was extensively used due to its advantages for in-situ damage monitoring with high sensitivity and its capability to inspect continuously a relatively large area. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the use of AE for damage characterization in laminated composites. The review is divided into two sections; the first section discusses the literature for damage diagnostics and it is presented in three subsections: damage initiation detection, damage type identification and damage localization, while the second section is devoted to damage prognostics and it focuses on the remaining useful life (RUL) and residual strength prediction of composite structures using AE data. In every section, efforts have been made to analyze the most relevant literature, discuss in a critical manner the results and conclusions, and identify possibilities for future work.