Solutions for the Province of Groningen

Seismic retrofit of historic Amsterdam School houses

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Earthquakes, as a result of commercial extraction of natural gas out of deep soil, has become a frequently recurring phenomenon in the Province of Groningen. Historically earthquakes have never been an issue in the Netherlands, and the built environment is not prepared for this phenomenon. The purpose of this research was to find suitable solutions for retrofitting houses in order to protect them against earthquakes. The focus was on Amsterdam School style houses. This pre-war architecture has been very popular in the Groningen region, and there are plenty of these unique heritage houses. The earthquakes, and the strengthening measures, both are a threat for the monumental houses. The aesthetics of the reinforcing measures, for the purpose of preservation of this distinctive architecture, formed the starting point for the research. This study has resulted in innovative designs for reinforcement measures that suit the style of the Amsterdam School architecture. Designs have been made for earthquake resistant chimneys, embellishments and covers for reinforcing anchor plates, stiff floors and reinforcements for masonry parapets. Extra attention has been paid to the social context. Contact with local residents, encounter their experiences and listening to their wishes regarding the earthquake problems has been of great influence. The designs are the result of a human approach within a technical framework. All designs are projected on four existing Amsterdam School style houses in Loppersum. In contact with the residents of the case study houses and stakeholders the designs have been evaluated, and drawn into a wider context. The process towards the design and subsequent analysis, are as important as the design itself, and may provide a basis for wider future application.