Building the future in a town of the past

A plan and strategy for the spatial integration of the university campus in Delft

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The objective of this project to supply the city of Delft, more specifically its urban planning department, with a clear vision on how they could integrate the university campus more properly into the urban fabric. By doing this, it could greatly enhance the local prosperity and strengthen its position and identity as a stronghold of innovative knowledge. Right between the campus area and the inner city an area is available that shows great potential in hosting a great variety of functions to support that cause. The development of that area has stagnated and is currently mainly driven by one single actor. When more actors would be motivated to be involved in the development of this area, it could form a very strong spatial link between the local knowledge economy and the facilities of the city centre. Also liveability (by creating shared spaces) and sustainability (by water treatment and raising awareness) would be improved. To get these actors committed, it is important that an urbanist translates their wishes and requirements. By cleverly integrating them and showing the potential of collaboration, he or she becomes a very useful catalyst for the quality of the whole area and its surroundings.