Ping-Pong-Pang Instrumentation Amplifier

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This thesis describes the implementation of a Precision Instrumentation Amplifier using a Current Feedback Instrumentation Amplifier topology (CFIA). CFIAs are attractive for sensor readout, because of their high CMRR and their ability to interface with ground-referenced sensors. Several chopping and auto-zeroing techniques have been developed to reduce the offset and 1/f noise of such amplifiers to the ?V level. As a result, their dominant source of error is now gain error, which is limited by mismatch to at best 0.1%. This paper describes a CFIA that applies dynamic element matching (DEM) to achieve a gain error of less than 0.04%. Moreover, it presents the first silicon implementation of the ping-pong-pang (PPP) auto-zeroing scheme, which enables a 3.5× reduction in power consumption and 2.5× improvement in gain error as compared to state-of-the-art ping-pong auto-zeroed CFIAs.