The Head of Java-island as new metropolitan peninsula - Het Hoofd van Java-eiland als nieuwe metropolitane peninsula

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The head of Java-island (’Java Head’) is still an undeveloped piece of the center of Amsterdam due to the economic crisis. In the meantime this site has evolved in one of the city’s best event-sites. The future function for this site was supposed to be a residential area but with the discovery of the possibility of an event-site on this location the goal changed. The new design for the head of Java-island has to hold a residential and event-site. But at first glance unifying a residential area and an event-space seems to be impossible. The goal of this graduation project is to implement new housing concepts into the designof (a) residential building(s) amidst the IJ-river in Amsterdam. This building has to be part in a new masterplan which contains besides this residential building a large scale eventspace and a re-location of an already planned hotel on the head of Java-island.