Site-specific quasi in situ investigation of primary static recrystallization in a low carbon steel

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Low-alloyed steels with body-centered cubic crystal structure are a material class that is widely used for sheet metal forming applications. When having an adequate crystallographic texture and microstructure, their mechanical behavior is characterized by an isotropic in-plane flow behavior in combination with a low yield strength. The decisive processing steps for obtaining these beneficial mechanical properties are cold rolling and subsequent annealing. While for the former the number of passes, the deformation rates, and the total thickness reduction are the main processing parameters, the latter is described mainly by the heating rate and the holding temperature and time. Primary static recrystallization during annealing subsequent to the cold rolling process alters mainly two aspects of the material state: It firstly replaces the elongated and heavily deformed grains of the cold rolled microstructure by small, globular grains with low dislocation density and secondly it changes the crystallographic texture insofar as it typically diminishes the α- and strengthens the γ-fiber texture components. In the present work, the recrystallization behavior of a commercial non-alloyed low carbon steel is studied. A quasi in situ setup that enables site-specific characterization is employed to gain a local picture of the nucleation and recrystallization process. From the Kernel Average Misorientation (KAM) values of the deformation structure, the tendency to be consumed by new grains can be predicted. Crystallographic analysis shows that the most deformed regions have either a γ-fiber orientation or belong to heavily fragmented regions. New grains nucleate especially in such highly deformed regions and inherit often the orientation from the deformation microstructure.


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