Ringdown of high-Q nonlinear Si3N4 beam resonator with multi-overtone recording

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Micro- and nanoelectromechanical (MEM/NEM) resonators are used in numerous fields of engineering and are crucial for time keeping, synchronization, and sensing applications. These systems are subjected to energy dissipation, which is a limiting factor in the performance. Extensive understanding is essential when nonlinearities show up in both stiffness and dissipation, to design appropriately. Focusing on dissipative mechanisms, this paper explores the vibrational behavior of a suspended clamped-clamped beam fabricated from silicon-nitride in the nonlinear regime. This study reveals a notorious decay in ringdown, when the resonator is decoupled from its vibrational power. A sustained amplitude is observed for up to 8 seconds. Though the exact source of this anomaly remains elusive, it is suggested that it might include modal coupling and/or optomechanical effects