Analyzing the collaboration tools used in the Dutch Bouwteam contract form and comparing it with similar international integrated contract forms of Finland and UK

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It is a well-known fact that the construction industry operates under high levels of complexity and uncertainty, which gives rise to challenges such as ineffective communication, lack of trust, insufficient support from the higher management, etc. Collaboration has demonstrated to be a solution to all these problems. In order to stimulate collaboration, there are certain tools such as early involvement of all parties, co-location of all parties, team building activities, hiring a facilitator, etc. which are effective. This research revolves completely around these collaboration tools adopted predominantly in the design phase of infrastructure projects using integrated contract forms. The following contract forms have been studied: Bouwteam (Netherlands), Alliance (Finland) and NEC4 (United Kingdom). The collaboration tools used in these projects have been analyzed and compared, after which recommendations have been proposed to each contract form to enhance collaboration. The goal of this thesis is to stress on the fact that merely introducing the concept of collaboration in the contract does not guarantee the success of collaboration. This thesis calls for more attention to be paid to the recommended collaboration tools even before finalizing the contract form for a particular project.