Self-encapsulation of epoxy resin by a controlled interface curing process in epoxy/water emulsion

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The microcapsules of epoxy E-51 resin encapsulated by cured itself were prepared by interfacial curing reaction, in which ethylenediamine (EDA) was employed as curing agent and sulfonated copolymer of styrene and maleic anhydride (SMA) as emulsifying agent. It’s found the morphology of microcapsules strongly depend on reaction time and EDA dosage. Usually, the microcapsules were formed in 20mins, Extension of the time doesn’t change the morphology but thicken the shell and strengthen the microcapsules. Large dose of EDA bring about smooth surface of microcapsules. It’s believed that this simple process to fabricate epoxy microcapsules is more suitable for the application of self healing concrete, because it is ease to be industrialized and can be produced in large scale.


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