Design optimization of a novel inter-satellite downlink for small satellites to (mega-)constellations

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Low downlink data rates limit the scientific and commercial return from small satellites. Now with constellations of small satellites becoming popular, the amount of data generated in low Earth orbit will be greater than ever. A novel data downlink architecture for small satellites is investigated that uses non-geostationary orbit (mega-)constellations to relay data to ground. This data-relay architecture provides more contact time with the satellite allowing for higher a throughput per orbit to be achieved. A data-relay orbital simulator is developed that can find the contact opportunities for a satellite in low Earth orbit with non-geostationary orbit (mega-)constellations. A design optimization is performed using the results of this simulation for a data-relay downlink on two concept small satellite missions: an Earth Observation mission and an Internet-of-Things mission. This optimization shows that with the novel downlink architecture higher throughputs and lower latencies can be achieved while using the current state-of-the-art in small satellite communication technologies.