Supporting the Tennis Coach

Automatically Analyzing and Evaluating Tennis Footage

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Video support is becoming an indispensable tool in tennis practice sessions, especially at the professional level. Cameras are used to record a player and the current available software is used optimize the player's tennis technique, i.e. the biomechanics. Unfortunately, the tactical side of tennis is underexposed in terms of available software. Tennis can be seen as a spatial-temporal game. The the dimensions of the court are fixed and the ball goes from player a to player b in a finite amount of time. The work presented in this thesis shows a method to exibly evaluate a tennis game based on the footage of a single mounted camera. Software is used to extract spatial-temporal data from the tennis footage and a spatial-temporal language based on first order logic is designed to query the spatial-temporal data. The implemented prototype of this thesis' work provides a graphical user interface in which the user is able to execute queries and to see the movie fragments that meet the requirements of the spatial-temporal query.
