Designing from Heritage

Strategies for Conservation and Conversion

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This book – the third in the Rondeltappe series – reflects the philosophy and didactic approach of Heritage and Architecture (H&A) section of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (Delft University of Technology). H&A has three chairs: Design, Cultural Value and Technology. They work in close cooperation to lay the foundations for the preservation and continuity of use of built heritage.Designing from Heritage is strongly connected to the first book in the Rondeltappe series which deals with durability and sustainability of monuments, and with the second which advocates freedom in heritage based design. It contains the contribution of Prof. Wessel de Jonge – the Chair of Heritage and Design and principle at Wessel de Jonge Architects – and Prof Marieke Kuipers – Chair of Culural Heritage in particular of the Architecture of the Twentieth Century and senior specialist of Twentieth Century Built Heritage at the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE).This book is meant as a tool for architectural education and conservation for which research is as integral part of the design strategy.