Modular RT-Motion USB

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During the course of this thesis, RTM-USB (Real Time Motion on Universal Serial Bus) has grown from a single board motor controller to a motion control platform. The original RTM-USB board, containing a CPU and two motor drivers, has been extended (hardware wise) with a network/bus interface which makes it easy to expand the hardware functionality of the platform. Research has been undertaken in order to see which hardware extensions would be interesting for implementation on this platform. In order to demonstrate the usability of the proposed modular concept a few extension modules are implemented in hardware and the software needed to connect these extension modules to the original RTM-USB board has been written. Additionally, FPGA applications for motion control have been studied. In parallel with this thesis there was a parallel activity, which made the original RTM-USB software more extendable. Both projects and the original RTM-USB hardware and software, compose the new RTM-USB platform.
