A Complete Peer-to-Peer Widget System

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Nowadays, the World Wide Web is becoming more and more an interactive and social platform than just a means to find information. This is called the Web 2.0. Quite new in the World Wide Web are widgets; small applications that use a little area of a website and displays something specific, often making use of a Web 2.0 application to get its information. The widgets can be combined to create a personal page. Compared to the client-server architecture traditionally used in the Internet, the Peer-to-Peer technology can be used to design and create much more scalable and robust systems. Unfortunately, while they are so promising, P2P systems are mostly used for file transfers. We present a complete P2P Widget System, that introduces social and interactive elements to the P2P paradigm. Using P2P technology, the widget repository (where the widgets are downloaded from) are more scalable and robust than the centralised repositories currently used for widgets. Not only do we present a complete design for this system, we also present a working implementation of this system, which can be deployed in real-life. Furthermore, we show that the system works as it should, by presenting the results of several experiments. From our results, we can conclude that our P2P Widget System is scalable, robust, fast and bandwidth efficient.