Foundation aspects of coastal structures

International symposium on soil mechanics research and foundation design for the Oosterschelde storm surge barrier

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Review of the Project and History of the Design: 1. 1 Overall picture of the project (H. Engel) 1. 2 Review of the various designs (F. Spaargaren) 1. 3 Special geotechnical studies and their unexpected effects (J. W. Boehmer) Stress-strain Behaviour of Oosterschelde Sands 2. 1 Stress-strain behaviour from stress path tests (W. A. Marr, K. Hoeg) 2. 2 Stress-strain behaviour for finite element methods (A. W. W. M. Biegstraaten, C. J. Kenter) 2. 3 Pore pressure generation (F. P. Smits, K. H. Andersen, G. Gudehus) Predictions by Theoretical Methods 3. 1 Probabilistic approach to determine loads and safety factors (D. Kooman, Th. Mulder, J. K. Vrijling, L. de Ouelerij) 3. 2 Computation by finite elements (C. J. Kenter, P. A. Vermeer) 3. 3 Simple numerical methods to determine displacements and stability of piers (spring constant and Brinch Hansen) (J. B. Sellmeijer) 3. 4 Plasticity analysis (F. P. Smits) Predictions by Model Tests 4. 1 Caisson tests at Neeltje Jans (T. W. Lambe, J. W. Boehmer, W. F. Rosenbrand) 4. 2 Model tests on piers, scale 1 : 10 (L. de Ouelerij, J. J. Broeze) 4. 3 Centrifuge tests (P. W. Rowe) Site Investigation and Densification Studies 5. 1a Site investigation of soils (J. Vermeiden, P. Lubking) 5 1b Engineering Geology: Construction of a stratigraphic model (F. J. de Mulder, F. F. E. van Rummelen) 5. 2 Laboratory investigations regarding the artificial densification of sand and gravel materials in the Oosterschelde (P. G. J. Davis) 5. 3 Statistical study of in-situ measurements of soil properties (W. E. Jaworski) 5. 4 Densification in field practice - Methods and requirements (A. A. Pladet) Soil-structure Interaction VI. 1 Groundwater flow and dynamic gradients (F. B. J. Barends, R. Thabet) VI. 2 Interaction forces between piers and sill structure (J. D. Nieuwenhuis, J. M. van Geest, F. Molenkamp) VI. 3 Full scale tests on elements representing the pier-sill interface (E. P. Hudig, D.W. de Haan, C. J. van Rossen, F. Stam) VI. 4 Sill design (K. d'Angremond, M. R. van der Does de Bye)