Combining backcasting and value focused thinking to develop pathways towards a sustainable system

The case of the water system on the Isle of San Andres

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The utilization of the abundant renewables energy potential in Small Islands is vital in the near future to safeguard the access towards affordable and sufficient water. Growing population, rising tourism numbers and higher welfare causes an enlarging water demand. Meanwhile climate change, the el Nino/la Nina effect and the depletion of the aquifer are lowering the supply. The sea is an infinite water supplier, but due to high salinity the water cleaning processes will always require considerable amounts of energy, which causes high prices. Various solutions to solve this gap towards a sustainable water system exist, but due to deep vested corruption and disbelief in government, no plan is executed. Therefore, a new long term participatory planning methodology is erected by a combination of backcasting and value focused thinking. This framework is executed and results in: a high grade of learning about other participants’ values, emerging normative visions, efficient agenda building for relevant parties and coalition building. Furthermore, the framework emerged social learning about future problems. Finally, the research recommends a second workshop, where the combination of the opponents/ coalition matrix with the graded strategic objectives generates detailed planning towards the future that is executed by elaborated coalitions.