Understanding Consumers' Responses to Bio-based Packaging

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Packaging made from renewable sources has become more important in our society every day. Bio-based packaging is a sustainable alternative to petrochemical plastic packaging since it reduces the dependency on fossil fuel resources and lowers CO2 emissions. Tetra Pak has recently introduced the bio-based package in the market. Tetra Pak’s bio-based packaging uses wood to produce the carton and sugarcane to produce the plastic coatings of the package and the cap. However, they want to know consumers’ opinions about bio-based packaging, and how to best communicate this concept on drinks packaging. This graduation research project shows the results of two studies carried out in the Netherlands on beverage cartons with bio-based plastic. The first study is based on a qualitative approach which discusses consumers’ preconceptions and perceptions on beverage cartons with bio-based plastic. A second study is an experimental approach which tests what kind of informational cues (logos, infographics, and storytelling) better represent the concept in terms of clarity, understanding, and attractiveness on the package. It was identified in this project that consumers lack knowledge in sustainable packaging alternatives, especially bio-based packaging. Most of the consumers find the bio-based term confusing and abstract. However, in this study consumers have shown their willingness to contribute to the environmental impact and willingness to purchase bio-based packaging alternatives once they understand the concept. Finally, this project offers theoretical and practical implications for the company Tetra Pak. To have a clear understanding of what the concept is, words that consumers can easily understand should be used to describe the bio-based concept such as plant-based package or package made of renewable resources. In addition, information displayed on the package should emphasize the amount of bio-based material used on the package to enhance consumers’ trust in the brand. Lastly, the correct disposal of the package should be emphasized to consumers to avoid confusions.