Searched for: subject%253A%2522grass%2522
(41 - 60 of 80)


Young, M. (author)
This MSc thesis details the investigation of grass cover performance in relation to wave overtopping processes. Failure modes for grass cover are considered and developed
report 2009
Valk, A. (author)
The safety of a large part of the Netherlands depends on sea dikes. Due to climate change, a sea level rise is predicted. Together with stronger storms and more wave attack, wave overtopping on the current dikes will increase. As a response, crest levels of the dikes need to be raised in order to meet the present regulations for wave overtopping...
master thesis 2009
Pohl, C. (author), Richwien, W. (author)
Describes relation between wave impact and damage to grass layers.
report 2009
Verhagen, H.J. (author), Jaspers Focks, D.J. (author), Algera, A. (author), Vu, M.A. (author)
Vetiver grass is a sustainable and innovative solution for the protection of banks. It is shown that Vetiver grass is able to establish a full-stop of bank erosion caused by rapid drawdown. Therefore it provides us with strong indications that it is highly suitable as an anti-erosion measure. A combination of cohesive soil and Vetiver grass...
conference paper 2008
Hinostroza Garcia, S. (author)
This thesis shows a set of equations that define the micro-stability and macro-stability of reinforced grass revetments with geosynthetics on inner dike slope during an overtopping event. At micro-stability level, it has been analyzed that the equilibrium in a soil particle using the criterion of incipient motion of soil particle. The forces in...
master thesis 2007
Doorn, N. (author)
The present report describes the research done within the framework of Activity 1.2 of Task 4 of the European Union FLOODsite project. It contains an inventory of the failure modes, predictive equations and related uncertainties for revetments and dunes, based work already undertaken in The Netherlands, including limit state equations and...
report 2007
van Gerven, K.A.J. (author), Akkerman, G.J. (author)
The present report deals with the application of a provisional Smart Grass Reinforcement (SGR) system in 2006 for full scale testing of increased overtopping at the Groningen sea dyke test section near Delfzijl, as envisaged in 2007. The SGR has been placed at two strips of 4 m wide: one primary strip at the basic test site and one at a...
report 2007
Vavrina, L. (author)
Erosion processes are divided in two parts, whereas first process is detachment process and second process is transport of detached soil. The main function of grass cover is to avoid detachment. Therefore certain strength is necessary to execute this assignment. Resistance of grass covers are affected by several parameters. The influencing...
master thesis 2006
Ballot, J. (author), Hoyng, C. (author), Kateman, I. (author), Smits, M. (author), De Winter, R. (author)
Master project report. Since the seventies, the establishment of hotels and other facilities has increased the pressure on the Kenyan coast. During the last decade, hotel managers and residents in Diani Beach have been experiencing problems with erosion. The only measures taken to address the problem are individually built seawalls to protect...
student report 2006
Galema, A.A. (author), De Jong, R.H. (author), Pruis, K.W. (author), Wisse, A. (author)
Dit verslag is een rapportage van ons afstudeerproject voor de opleiding algemene Civiele Techniek aan de Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden.Dit afstudeerproject is in samenwerking met INFRAM uitgevoerd. Het onderzoek richt zich op de sterkte van grasbekleding op het binnentalud van zeedijken. Voor het beproeven van de grasmat op locatie wordt...
report 2006
ComCoast (author)
A desk study has been carried out in order to develop a conceptual model for the erosion of inner dike slopes with reinforced grass cover. Based on the results the following can be concluded: The presence of a geosynthetic in a grass slope can be taken into account in the EPM method by increasing the critical flow velocity. In particular, a...
report 2005
Chen, T. (author), Jiang, S. (author), Ma, S. (author), Ros, C.H. (author), Pfeiffer, T.V. (author), Suijker, J.M. (author), Wichmann, A. (author)
report 2004
Chen, T. (author), Jiang, S. (author), Ma, S. (author), Ros, C.H. (author), Pfeiffer, T.V. (author), Suijker, J.M. (author), Wichmann, A. (author)
report 2003
Sprangers, J.T.C.M. (author)
The high erosion resistance of grass swards on c1ay dykes seems to be largely determined by the amount of roots and the root system architecture. Following on previous studies on river dykes which revealed high root densities and erosion resistance in unfertilised pastures and hay-meadows, we experimentally investigated the influence of...
report 1999
Muijs, J.A. (author)
Een groot gedeelte van de Nederlandse dijken is bekleed met een grasmat. Daar, waar men op een deel van de dijk een hard bekledingstype heeft aangebracht, is toch een belangrijk deel van het dijkoppervlak, zoals de kruin en het binnentalud, een grasmat. Het onderzoek en de ervaringen vanaf het midden van de jaren tachtig hebben geleerd, dat...
report 1999
Muijs, J.A. (author)
A large part of the Netherlands’ dikes are covered with grass. Dikes with hard revetments also have grass cover on a significant part of the dike surface, such as the crown and inner slope. Research and experience since the mid-eighties have shown that grass coverings can be of high quality in terms of erosion resistance and encouragement of...
report 1999
anonymous, A. (author)
Er is een analyse van de waarnemingen en metingen met betrekking tot ontgronding uitgevoerd voor de 1:1 modelproef in 1992 in de Deltagoot met golven van Hs 0.75 m tot 1.35 m op een grastalud van een dijk. De gemeten ontgronding is veel geringer dan tijdens vergelijkbare proeven op klei met een bodemstructuur, maar zonder zodelaag. Pas na vele...
report 1998
Meijer, D.G. (author), Verheij, H.J. (author)
report 1998
anonymous, A. (author)
Dit rapport bevat verscheidene tabellen met overschrijdingskrommen of overschrijdingsduren en drukgradienten met betrekking tot graserosie in deltagootproeven. Parameters en karakteristieken van de grond worden besproken in meerdere scenario's.
report 1998
Sprangers, J.T.C.M. (author), Raemakers, I.P. (author)
Voortzetting van een experiment met ex&ensief graslandbeheer op zeedijen. Na het stopzettenvan bemesting in combinatie met een verminderde begrazingsdruk of hooibeheer in een aantal proefvakken op zeedijken, zijn de effekten bestudeerd op soortensamenstelling, en de zode- en worteldichtheid van het grasland. Met behulp van een erosiecentrifuge...
report 1998
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