
13 records found

Finding the needle in the haystack

Machine learning approach in the search for arsenic hotspots

The arsenic-pollution problem

Volumetrics and mobilization processes of geogenic arsenic in Holocene clay-plug sediment

The present study was carried out in the village Kaliprasad of Bhagalpur district of Bihar to know the arsenic exposure effect in the exposed population. A total of n = 102 households were studied, and their water and biological samples such as urine and hair were collected and a ...
Shallow aquifers in many Holocene alluvial basins around the world have in the last three decades been identified as arsenic pollution hotspots, in which the spatial variation of natural (or: geogenic) arsenic concentration is conditioned by the meandering-river geomorphology and ...
Arsenic poisoning through groundwater is the world’s greatest normal groundwater catastrophe which got an immense effect on worldwide general wellbeing. India is confronting the outcomes of arsenic poisoning in the zone of Ganga Brahmaputra alluvial plains. In Bihar, out of 38 di ...
Meandering-river geomorphology, forming abandoned channels/lakes with organic carbon-burial and microbial reductive dissolution, play many crucial roles in controlling arsenic (As) fluxes in sinks such as contaminated aquifers of riverine alluvial plains across the world. Suhiya ...
Reportedly, 300 million people worldwide are affected by the consumption of arsenic contaminated groundwater. India prominently figures amongst them and the state of Bihar has shown an upsurge in cases affected by arsenic poisoning. Escalated arsenic content in blood, leaves 1 in ...
The Ganges Delta is a key area where elemental contamination of groundwater constitutes a human catastrophe. The delta plain geomorphology comprises a large number of abandoned meander bends or oxbow lakes (Donselaar et al., 2017; Ghosh et al., 2021) characterized by an anoxic en ...
In recent times Gallbladder cancer (GBC) incidences increased many folds in India and are being reported from arsenic hotspots identified in Bihar. The study aims to establish association between arsenic exposure and gallbladder carcinogenesis. In the present study, n = 200 were ...