Jesper Elzinga

3 records found


Acropora palmata is one of the major reef-building coral species in the Caribbean. The species has suffered drastic declines in abundance and sexual recruitment over the past decades. One method for active rehabilitation of A. palmata reefs is by assisting the production of se ...

The coral engine

The way for local communities to sustainably produce corals for Reef Rehabilitation at a large scale

Traditionally, marine infrastructure development is regarded to have a negative impact on the ecosystem in or near which it occurs. As a consequence, a whole industry has been treated as a threat and the ingenuity of companies in this industry was forced to focus on minimizing ...

Testing Industrial-Scale Coral Restoration Techniques

Harvesting and Culturing Wild Coral-Spawn Slicks

Accelerating the recovery of marine coastal ecosystems is a global challenge that has been attempted on many systems around the world. Restoration efforts have shown varying levels of success at localized-scales, but developing techniques for large-scale application are still ...