G. A. Csáthy
4 records found
In spite of its ubiquity in strongly correlated systems, the competition of paired and nematic ground states remains poorly understood. Recently such a competition was reported in the two-dimensional electron gas at filling factor ν = 5/2. At this filling factor a pressure-induce
Under hydrostatic pressure, the ground state of a two-dimensional electron gas at ν=5/2 changes from a fractional quantum Hall state to the stripe phase. By measuring the energy gap of the fractional quantum Hall state and of the onset temperature of the stripe phase, we mapped o
We have studied the ν=5/2 fractional quantum Hall state in a density-tunable sample at extremely low electron densities. For the densities accessed in our experiment, the Landau level mixing parameter κ spans the 2.52<κ<2.82 range. In the vicinity of 5.8×1010cm-2 or κ=2.6 an anom
Until the late 1980s, phases of matter were understood in terms of Landau's symmetry-breaking theory. Following the discovery of the quantum Hall effect, the introduction of a second class of phases, those with topological order, was necessary. Phase transitions within the first