
3 records found

We construct an L1-algebra on the truncated canonical homology complex of a symplectic manifold, which naturally projects to the universal central extension of the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields.@en
Let Γ<G be a discrete subgroup of a locally compact unimodular group G. Let m∈C b(G) be a p-multiplier on G with 1≤p<∞ and let T m:L p(G^)→L p(G^) be the corresponding Fourier multiplier. Similarly, let Tm| Γ:L ...
We present a geometric construction of central S 1-extensions of the quantomorphism group of a prequantizable, compact, symplectic manifold, and explicitly describe the corresponding lattice of integrable cocycles on the Poisson Lie algebra. We use this to find nont ...


17 records found

This thesis uses the method of interlacing polynomials to study the behaviour of eigenvalues of a matrix after a rank-one update. Specifically, interlacing polynomials, common interlacing and interlacing families are exhaustively studied. These are excellent tools to find bounds ...

From Möbius Strips to Twisted Toric Codes

A Homological Approach to Quantum Low Density Parity Check Codes

In the past few years, the search for good quantum low density parity check (qLDPC) codes suddenly took flight, and many different constructions of these codes have since been presented, including many product constructions. As these code constructions have a natural interpretati ...
In deze scriptie volgen we de lijn die in W. van Est in “A group theoretic interpretation of area in the elementary geometries” heeft uitgezet, maar we gaan grondiger in op de stof en bewijzen de meeste claims die door Van Est worden gedaan. We kijken naar wat triviale en nontriv ...
Vector spherical harmonics are a set of basis functions for vector fields derived from the spherical harmonic functions. They are commonly used in spectral methods in certain areas of applied mathematics. In most of the existing literature they are defined in a way that is heavil ...
In this thesis, networks of coupled quantum harmonic oscillators are studied. The dynamics of these networks are determined by single-frequency vibrations of the entire network called normal modes. We study the behavior of the nor- mal modes when the network is coupled to a therm ...
In this project, quantum cloning machines are analyzed that take in N quantum systems in the same unknown pure state and output M quantum systems with M > N, such that the output best resembles the ideal, but impossible output of an M-fold tensor product of the pure input state. ...
This thesis is divided into five parts (covering chapter 1–5), that together try to give the reader a basic understanding of the symmetries of and the mathematical structure behind the standard model. The first two chapters cover some Lie and representation theory of the Lie gro ...
The Lovász theta function, and the variants of it given by Schrijver and Szegedy are upper bounds on the independence number of a graph. These functions play an important role in several optimization problems, such as the Cohn-Elkies bound for optimal sphere packing densities. T ...
We consider the problem of random walks moving around on a lattice Zd with an initial Poisson distribution of traps. We consider both static and moving traps. In the static case, we prove that the survival time has a decay of e−c t d /d +2 based on a heuristic argument. In the mo ...
In this research, the implementations of quantum random walks in superconducting circuit-QED are studied. In particular, a walk that moves across the Fock states of a quantum harmonic oscillator by a Jaynes-Cummings model is investigated, which is difficult to implement because o ...
This thesis gives a thorough description of the mathematical tool called reflection positivity, which can be used to prove the occurrence of phase transitions in physical models. A major result, although already known, is a theorem that gives tractable conditions on the Hamiltoni ...
In the last decades there has been an increasing interest in computing the local strain at the atomic scale of materials. By knowing aspects of the local strain in a lattice, one has information about measurements of distortions of lattice parameters concerning shifts, deformatio ...
A set of lines passing through the origin in Euclidean space is called equiangular if the angle between any two lines is the same. The question of finding the maximum number of such lines, N(d) in any dimension d is an extensively studied problem. Closely related, is the problem ...
This thesis investigates two types of classical capacities of both classical and quantum channels, giving rise to four different settings. The first type of classical capacity investigated is the ordinary capacity of a channel to transmit classical information with a probability ...
Recent progress on the representation theory of certain infinite dimensional gauge groups has raised an interest in the strongly continuous unitary representations of groups of a specific form that satisfy a certain positive energy condition. An equivalent formulation of the posi ...
The subject of this thesis is twofold: The first part is the study of local-to-global principles for the continuous Lie algebra (co-)homology of certain infinite-dimensional Lie algebras of geometric origin, specifically, Gelfand-Fuks cohomology and continuous cohomology of gauge ...
In this dissertation, we study (projective) unitary representations of possibly infinite dimensional locally convex Lie groups, in the sense of Bastiani, that either satisfy a positive energy condition, or a KMS(Kubo-Martin-Schwinger) condition. Both of these are motivated by phy ...