F.M. Dekking
78 records found
In the base phi expansion, a natural number is written uniquely as a sum of powers of the golden mean with coefficients 0 and 1, where it is required that the product of two consecutive digits is always 0. We tackle the problem of describing these expansions in detail. We classif
Can we find a self-similar set on the line with positive Lebesgue measure and empty interior? Currently, we do not have the answer for this question for deterministic self-similar sets. In this paper we answer this question negatively for random self-similar sets which are define
In a base phi representation, a natural number is written as a sum of powers of the golden mean φ. There are many ways to do this. How many? Even if the number of powers of φ is finite, then any number has infinitely many base phi representations. By not allowing an expansion to
In a base phi representation, a natural number is written as a sum of powers of the golden mean φ. There are many ways to do this. Well known is the standard representation, introduced by George Bergman in 1957, where a unique representation is obtained by requiring that no conse
We discuss the base 3/2 representation of the natural numbers. We prove that the sum-of-digits function of the representation is a fixed point of a 2-block substitution on an infinite alphabet, and that this implies that sum-of-digits function modulo 2 of the representation is a
We characterize the entries of Hofstadter’s G-sequence in terms of the lower and upper Wythoff sequences. This can be used to give a short and comprehensive proof of the equality of Hofstadter’s G-sequence and the sequence of averages of the swapped Wythoff sequences. In the seco
We consider in general two-block substitutions and their fixed points. We prove that some of them have a simple structure: their fixed points are morphic sequences. Others are intrinsically more complex, such as the Kolakoski sequence. We prove this for the Thue-Morse sequence in
In this paper we introduce a technique to determine the sumset A + A, where A is the indicator function of the 0’s occurring in a fixed point x of a substitution on the alphabet {0, 1}.@en
We consider the sum of digits functions for both base phi, and for the Zeckendorf expansion of the natural numbers. For both sum of digits functions we present morphisms on infinite alphabets such that these functions viewed as infinite words are letter-to-letter projections of f
In this paper we classify the Zeckendorf expansions according to their digit blocks. It turns out that if we consider these digit blocks as labels on the Fibonacci tree, then the numbers ending with a given digit block in their Zeckendorf expansion appear as compound Wythoff sequ
In the base phi representation, any natural number is written uniquely as a sum of powers of the golden mean with coefficients 0 and 1, where it is required that the product of two consecutive digits is always 0. In this self-contained paper, we give a new and short proof of the
Queens in exile
Non-attacking queens on infinite chess boards
Number the cells of a (possibly infinite) chessboard in some way with the numbers 0, 1, 2, … . Consider the cells in order, placing a queen in a cell if and only if it would not attack any earlier queen. The problem is to determine the positions of the queens. We study the proble
In the base phi representation, any natural number is written uniquely as a sum of powers of the golden mean with coefficients 0 and 1, where it is required that the product of two consecutive digits is always 0. In this paper, we give precise expressions for those natural number
In the base phi expansion any natural number is written uniquely as a sum of powers of the golden mean with digits 0 and 1, where one requires that the product of two consecutive digits is always 0. In this paper we show that the sum of digits function modulo 2 of these expansion
Morphic words are letter-to-letter images of fixed points x of morphisms on finite alphabets. There are situations where these letter-to-letter maps do not occur naturally, but have to be replaced by a morphism. We call this a decoration of x. Theoretically, decorations of morphi
We prove that five ways to define entry A086377 in the OEIS do lead to the sameinteger sequence.
Dedicated to Jeff Shallit on the occasion of his 60th birthday@en
We take a global view at substitution invariant Sturmian sequences. We show that
homogeneous substitution invariant Sturmian sequences sα,α can be indexed by two
binary trees, associated directly with Johannes Kepler’s tree of harmonic fractions
from 1619. We obtain similar resul
Let S be a map from a language Lto the integers satisfying S(vw) =S(v) +S(w)for all v, w ∈L. The classical Frobenius problem asks whether the complement of S(L)in the natural numbers will be infinite or finite, and in the latter case the va
Primitive constant length substitutions generate minimal symbolic dynamical systems. In this article we present an algorithm which can produce the list of injective substitutions of the same length that generate topologically conjugate systems. We show that each conjugacy class c
We characterize the symbolical dynamical systems which are topologically isomorphic to the Fibonacci dynamical system. We prove that there are infinitely many injective primitive substitutions generating a dynamical system in the Fibonacci conjugacy class. In this class there are