Matthijs Rietveld

8 records found


Urban runoff remobilises solids and their associated pollutants from urban-built environments and transports them to drainage systems via gully pots. This study presents an extensive monitoring campaign on the solids loading to drainage systems, including 104 gully pots as sam ...

Runoff (re)mobilises solids and their associated pollutants from streets and transports them via gully pots to the drainage system. As the solids negatively impact the performance of the drainage systems, knowledge on the solids loading in terms of mass and composition is esse ...

A substantial part of urban surfaces is to some extent impermeable. Rainfall on these areas turns into runoff, which mobilises solids present on these surfaces. This runoff is removed from urban built areas by different type of drainage systems via gully pots. The objective of a ...

Urban runoff (re)mobilises solids present on the street surface and transport them to urban drainage systems. The solids reduce the hydraulic capacity of the drainage system due to sedimentation and on the quality of receiving water bodies due to discharges via outfalls and co ...

Runoff entering urban drainage systems contains suspended solids, which carry pollutants and may cause blockages in downstream parts of the system (for example infiltration facilities). Suspended solids inflow should, therefore, preferably be controlled by solids removal at gu ...

Gully pots are utilized for conveying runoff to drainage systems, as well as for reducing the system’s solids loading by retaining suspended solids. However, the accumulation of solids in gully pots reduces their removal efficiency, leading to an increase in solids transport t ...

Sewer and urban drainage systems deal with the runoff of areas that lack infiltration capacity. During wet weather, solids that are present on the street are (re)mobilised and transported to the drainage system by the runoff. These solids and their associated pollutants can have ...


Factors influencing sediment load to gully pots

Environmental and gully pot specific factors

Phenomena like urbanization and climate change will increase flooding problems, making it clear that more research and investments are needed in sewer systems to improve urban flood prevention. This research was done to determine factors influencing the sediment load to gully pot ...