Muzio Grilli

10 records found


We investigate a passive flow-control technique for the interaction of an oblique shock generated by an 8.8° wedge with a turbulent boundary-layer at a free-stream Mach number of Ma=2.3 and a Reynolds number based on the incoming boundary-layer thickness of Reδ0=60 ...

Flows over airfoils and blades in rotating machinery, for unmanned and micro-aerial vehicles, wind turbines, and propellers consist of a laminar boundary layer near the leading edge that is often followed by a laminar separation bubble and transition to turbulence further down ...

Results of a large-eddy simulation (LES) of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer flow along a compression-expansion ramp configuration are presented. The numerical simulation is directly compared with an available experiment at the same flow conditions. The compression-expans ...

We evaluate the suitability of micro vortex generators for the passive flow control of shock-wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions. For this purpose, implicit large eddy simulations using the adaptive local deconvolution method are performed. The flow configuration consis ...

We investigate a passive flow-control technique for the interaction of an oblique shock generated by an 8.8 wedge with a turbulent boundary layer at a free-stream Mach number of M = 2.3 by means of large-eddy simulation. The control configuration studied combines s ...

Flows over airfoils and blades in rotating machinery, for unmanned and micro-aerial vehicles, wind turbines, and propellers consist of a laminar boundary layer near the leading edge that is often followed by a laminar separation bubble and transition to turbulence further down ...

The unsteady behaviour in shockwave turbulent boundary layer interaction is investigated by analysing results from a large eddy simulation of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer over a compressiona-expansion ramp. The interaction leads to a very-low-frequency motion near the ...

We present a loosely-coupled approach for the solution of the thermo-fluid-structure interaction problem, based on Dirichlet-Neumann partitioning. A cartesian grid finite volume scheme, with conservative interface method is used for the fluid and a finite-element scheme for th ...

We report on an experimental and computational effort to study the interaction of a compressible turbulent boundary layer with an oblique shock wave. A wide range of shock intensities has been considered in the experiments through a variation of the free-stream Mach number. Detai ...
Results of a large-eddy simulation (LES) of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer flow along a compression-expansion ramp configuration are presented. The numerical simulation is directly compared with an available experiment at the same flow conditions. The compression-expansion ...