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GJ Steeneveld
Academic Work (11)
Journal article (11)
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11 records found
Comments on 'An extremum solution of the Monin-Obukhov similarity equations'
Journal article (2011) -
BJH van de Wiel (author)
S Basu (author)
AF Moene (author)
H.J.J. Jonker (author)
GJ Steeneveld (author)
AAM Holtslag (author)
A conceptual view on inertial oscillations and nocturnal low-level jets
Journal article (2010) -
BJH van de Wiel (author)
AF Moene (author)
GJ Steeneveld (author)
P. Baas (author)
FC Bosveld (author)
AAM Holtslag (author)
Exploring the possible role of small-scale terrain drag on stable boundary layers over land
Journal article (2008) -
GJ Steeneveld (author)
AAM Holtslag (author)
CJ Nappo (author)
BJH van de Wiel (author)
L Mahrt (author)
An inconvenient "truth" about using sensible heat flux as a surface boundary condition in models under stably stratifeid regimes
Journal article (2008) -
S Basu (author)
AAM Holtslag (author)
BJH van de Wiel (author)
AF Moene (author)
GJ Steeneveld (author)
Comments on deriving the equilibrium height of the stable boundary layer
Journal article (2007) -
BJH van de Wiel (author)
AF Moene (author)
GJ Steeneveld (author)
OK Hartogensis (author)
AAM Holtslag (author)
Diagnostic equations for the stable boundary layer height : evaluation and dimensional analysis
Journal article (2007) -
GJ Steeneveld (author)
BJH van de Wiel (author)
AAM Holtslag (author)
Role of land-surface temperature feedback on model performance for the stable boundary layer
Journal article (2007) -
AAM Holtslag (author)
GJ Steeneveld (author)
BJH van de Wiel (author)
Comments on deriving the equilibrium height of the stable boundary layer
Journal article (2007) -
GJ Steeneveld (author)
BJH van de Wiel (author)
AAM Holtslag (author)
Modelling the artic stable boundary layer and its coupling to the surface
Journal article (2006) -
GJ Steeneveld (author)
BJH van de Wiel (author)
AAM Holtslag (author)
Exploring selfcorrelation in flux-gradient relationships for stably stratified conditions
Journal article (2006) -
P. Baas (author)
GJ Steeneveld (author)
BJH van de Wiel (author)
AAM Holtslag (author)
Modeling the evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer coupled to the land surface for three contrasting nights in CASES-99
Journal article (2006) -
GJ Steeneveld (author)
BJH van de Wiel (author)
AAM Holtslag (author)