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K van der Werff
Academic Work (23)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (8)
Journal article (12)
Report (2)
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23 records found
Distributed autonomous agents, navigation and coopertion with minimum intelligence in a dynamic warehouse application
Conference paper (2004) -
M. Stiefelhagen (author)
K van der Werff (author)
BR Meijer (author)
T. Tomiyama (author)
Knowledge structuring for function design
Journal article (2003) -
BR Meijer (author)
T. Tomiyama (author)
BHA van der Holst (author)
K van der Werff (author)
Modelling natural objects with alpha-complexes
Journal article (2002) -
BHM Gerritsen (author)
K van der Werff (author)
RC Veltkamp (author)
Systems reliability analysis of mechanical and hydraulic drive systems
Journal article (2002) -
GC Avontuur (author)
K van der Werff (author)
Heat transfer in glass container production during the final blow
Journal article (2001) -
G Keijts (author)
K van der Werff (author)
New methods for studying global virtual teams: towards a multi-faceted approach
Conference paper (2001) -
C. Steinfeld (author)
M Huysman (author)
K van der Werff (author)
et. al. (author)
Design of a self-adaptive clamping device for uniform pressure distribution between jaws and a sheet metal workpiece.
Conference paper (2001) -
AS Allersma (author)
CA van Luttervelt (author)
K van der Werff (author)
New Methods for Studying Global Virtual Teams: Towards a Multi-Faceted Approach
Conference paper (2001) -
C Steinfield (author)
C-Y Jang (author)
K van der Werff (author)
MH Huysman (author)
J.J. Poot (author)
I Mulder (author)
E. Goodman (author)
J. Lloyd (author)
K. David (author)
T. Hinds (author)
J.H.T.H. Andriessen (author)
An implementation of reliability analysis in the conceptual design phase of drive trains
Journal article (2001) -
GC Avontuur (author)
K van der Werff (author)
The influence of high-speed rotors on the motion of slowly moving platforms
Journal article (2001) -
I. Paraschiv (author)
GC Avontuur (author)
K van der Werff (author)
New Methods for Studying Global Virtual Teams: Towards a Multi-Faceted Approach
Conference paper (2001) -
C Steinfield (author)
MH Huysman (author)
J.H.T.H. Andriessen (author)
D Jarvis (author)
K van der Werff (author)
A Cabrera (author)
K. David (author)
C-Y Jang (author)
J.J. Poot (author)
M.A.A. in 't Huis In 't Veld (author)
I Mulder (author)
E. Goodman (author)
J. Lloyd (author)
T. Hinds (author)
Heat transfer in glass container production during the final blow
Journal article (2001) -
G Keijts (author)
K van der Werff (author)
Toepassing van een frequentiegeregelde constantpomp in hydraulische systemen (2)
Journal article (2000) -
EC van der Blom (author)
K van der Werff (author)
3D ontwerpsysteem voor bewegingswerken
Journal article (2000) -
GC Avontuur (author)
K van der Werff (author)
Geometric modelling with alpha-complexes
Conference paper (2000) -
BHM Gerritsen (author)
K van der Werff (author)
RC Veltkamp (author)
Toepassing van een frequentiegeregelde constantpomp in hydraulische systemen (1)
Journal article (2000) -
EC van der Blom (author)
K van der Werff (author)
Concept voor een verpakkingsmachine (vertrouwelijk en niet eerder opgenomen)
Report (1999) -
EJPM Frickel (author)
K van der Werff (author)
Ontwerpmethoden voor werktuigbouwkundige ingenieurs
Conference paper (1998) -
K van der Werff (author)
Redesigning mechanical engineering design education
Conference paper (1998) -
K van der Werff (author)
An integrated data model of function, behavior, and structure for computer-aided conceptual design of mechanisms
Book chapter (1998) -
WJ Zhang (author)
D. Zhang (author)
K van der Werff (author)