Tom Johnston


7 records found

If W is the simple random walk on the square lattice Z2, then W induces a random walk WG on any spanning subgraph G ⊂ Z2 of the lattice as follows: viewing W as a uniformly random infinite word on the alphabet {x, −x, y, −y}, the walk WG starts at the origin and follows the direc ...
Alon and Füredi (1993) showed that the number of hyperplanes required to cover {0,1}n∖{0} without covering 0 is n. We initiate the study of such exact hyperplane covers of the hypercube for other subsets of the hypercube. In particular, we provide exact solutions for covering {0, ...
Two permutations σ and π are ℓ-similar if they can be decomposed into subpermutations σ(1), . . . ,σ(ℓ) and π(1), . . . ,π(ℓ) such that σ(i) is order-isomorphic to π(i) for all i ∈[ℓ]. Recently, Dudek, Grytczuk, and Ruciński Variations on twins in permutations, Electron. J. Combi ...
The deck of a graph G is the multiset of cards {G−v:v∈V(G)}. Myrvold (1992) showed that the degree sequence of a graph on n≥7 vertices can be reconstructed from any deck missing one card. We prove that the degree sequence of a graph with average degree d can be reconstructed from ...
We continue the study by Melo and Winter (2019) [3] on the possible intersection sizes of a k-dimensional subspace with the vertices of the n-dimensional hypercube in Euclidean space. Melo and Winter conjectured that all intersection sizes larger than 2k−1 (the “large” sizes) are ...
A subspace of F2n is called cyclically covering if every vector in F2n has a cyclic shift which is inside the subspace. Let h2(n) denote the largest possible codimension of a cyclically covering subspace of F2n. We show that h2(p)=2 for every prime p such that 2 is a primitive ro ...