A.M.A. Schellart


8 records found

A greater understanding of the erosion behaviour of sewer sediments is necessary in order to reliably estimate the amount and nature of the sewer sediments released from deposits in sewers and transported either to waste water treatment plants or discharged into the environment. ...
Separate sewers are more and more preferred over combined ones but are sensitive to misconnections. Several inspection techniques (time consuming and expensive) are specifically devoted to detecting such misconnections: smoking test and dye tracing are the most popular. This pape ...
Les réseaux d’assainissement séparatifs sont de plus en plus préférés aux réseaux unitaires mais ils sont sensibles aux erreurs (in)volontaires de branchements entre les bâtiments et le réseau. Il existe quelques techniques d’inspections spécifiques à ce type de recherche : les t ...