M. Odriozola Arbiza


5 records found

Fouling is a major challenge for the economic feasibility and applicability of membrane bioreactors. Several strategies have been proposed for fouling control, and among them, addition of flux enhancers (FE) have shown promising results. Previous research revealed a high variabil ...
Cationic polymers have proven to be suitable flux enhancers (FEs) in large‐scale aerobic membrane bioreactors (MBRs), whereas in anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) research is scarce, and so far, only done at lab‐scale. Results from MBRs cannot be directly translated to AnMB ...
The application of cationic polymers to enhance membrane fluxes in anaerobic membrane bioreactors has been proposed by several authors. However, literature shows contradictory results on the influence of those chemicals on the biological activity. In this research, we studied the ...
Flux enhancers (FEs) have been successfully applied for fouling mitigation in membrane bioreactors. However, more research is needed to compare and optimise different dosing strategies to improve the filtration performance, while minimising the use of FEs and preventing overdosin ...
Anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) technology is increasingly researched for wastewater treatment in a circular economy scenario to recover nutrients, water, and biogas. AnMBR couples the advantages of anaerobic digestion, such as low sludge production, no aeration requirement ...


1 records found

In this work, the effects of the addition of a cationic polymer ADIFLOC KD 451 (ADIPAP, France) in the performance of a decentralized Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) pilot plant treating 1.5 m3 blackwater per day was studied. To this end, on-line sludge filterability charac ...