
Arjen van Nieuwenhuijzen


2 records found as author

Resources recovery can improve the economic efficiency and reduce the negative environmental impacts of municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTP). The recovered resources can also actively benefit the natural environment enabling a reciprocal relationship between human societ ...
Resources recovery can improve the economic efficiency and reduce the negative environmental impacts of municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTP). The recovered resources can also actively benefit the natural environment enabling a reciprocal relationship between human societ ...


3 records found as contributor

Sewer Water Harvesting to Support Urban Green Spaces

The potential of ‘waste’ water as a resource to support urban green spaces during dry periods through integrated local water treatment

This research has investigated how Sewer Water Harvesting (SWH) can be applied to provide a climate-proof fresh water source to support Urban Green Spaces (UGS) in Amsterdam. SWH is the process of extracting raw municipal sewage from the sewer and locally treating this to provide ...


A multidisciplinary exploration of Almaty’s coal-to-gas transition within its wider energy ambitions

This study focussed on the position of the Coal-to-Gas (CtG) transition of Almaty (Kazakhstan) within its wider energy goals to become energy neutral in 2060. Within CtG-transition the focus was mainly on the biggest coal-based power plant (CHP-2) of the city, which is planned to ...
Over the past few years, the number of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels that are being installed in Amsterdam has been growing considerably. The amount of PV panel installations averages an annual growth of 50%, which is stimulated by the city its ambition to leave no roof unused b ...