Christiaan Zeilstra

10 records found

In the pre-reduction cyclone of the HIsarna process, both thermal decomposition and gas reduction of the injected iron ores occur simultaneously at gas temperatures of 1723–1773 K. In this study, the kinetics of the thermal decomposition of three iron ores (namely OreA, OreB and ...
Galvanized steel scrap flow and injection into the HIsarna reactor are investigated using discrete element method (DEM). The scrap particle is fed into the reactor through an inclined chute and hits the slag surface where the zinc content is evaporated and solid particles melt. A ...

CFD modelling of the off-gas system HIsarna iron making process part 2

Reflux chamber geometry modification and effects on flow behaviour

A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model for the HIsarna off-gas system is set up and validated by real plant data. In the model detailed reaction mechanism and kinetic data for post-combustion of CO-H2 mixture and carbon particles are incorporated. The result ...

CFD modelling of the off-gas system of HIsarna iron making process. Part 1

Model development using detailed reaction mechanism for post-combustion of CO–H2 mixture and carbon particles

The HIsarna process is a new and breakthrough smelting reduction process for hot metal (liquid iron) production from iron ores and coal directly fed into the reactor. The flue gas from the main reactor enters the off-gas system containing small amounts of H2, CO and ca ...
Suspension reduction kinetics of hematite ore particles at 1710 K to 1785 K was described by the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov model with Avrami exponent of 1.405. The apparent activation energy is 105.5 kJ mol−1 with the rate determining step of nucleation and growth ...
In order to understand the pre-reduction behaviour of fine hematite particles in the HIsarna process, change of morphology, phase and crystallography during the reduction were investigated in the high temperature drop tube furnace. Polycrystalline magnetite shell formed within 20 ...
High-temperature reduction processes of iron oxide particles suspension are promising in carbon emission abatement. Recently, researchers have contributed abundant knowledge of the reaction mechanism and kinetics of iron oxide particles above 1473 K, while there was very limited ...
In order to understand the thermal decomposition kinetics of hematite particles in inert atmosphere, thermogravimetriy was employed for isoconversional analysis. The kinetic triplet was estimated from the experimental data and the isothermal reaction kinetics was predicted. The r ...
HIsarna is a promising ironmaking technology to reduce CO 2 emission. Information of phase trans ...
Melting and reduction of fine iron ore particles in the gas environment of a HIsarna smelting cyclone is a critically important topic, but very limited information is currently available except for some experimental data from high temperature drop tube furnace (HTDF). This work d ...