Wolfgang Rauch

4 records found


The calibration of models for urban drainage systems has become more and more important as especially the usage of detailed models has increased considerably over the last years as the basis for planning and design. Still the effects originating from the choice of data used fo ...

Although calibration of a hydrodynamic model depends on the availability of measurement data representing the system behavior, advice for the planning of necessary measurement campaigns for model calibration is scarce. This work tries to address this question of efficient measure ...

Pipe failure modelling is an important tool for strategic rehabilitation planning of urban water distribution infrastructure. Rehabilitation predictions are mostly based on existing network data and historical failure records, both of varying quality. This paper presents a fra ...

In the urban water cycle, there are different ways of handling stormwater runoff. Traditional systems mainly rely on underground piped, sometimes named 'gray' infrastructure. New and so-called 'green/blue' ambitions aim for treating and conveying the runoff at the surface. Suc ...