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J hubbuch
Academic Work (3)
Journal article (3)
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3 records found
Robust high-throughput batch screening method in 384-well format with optical in-line resin quantification
Journal article (2015) -
J. Kittelmann (author)
M. Ottens (author)
Marcel Ottens (author)
J hubbuch (author)
Analytical characterization of complex, biotechnological feedstocks by pH gradient ion exchange chromatography for purification process development
Journal article (2013) -
FC Kroner (author)
A.T. Hanke (author)
BK Nfor (author)
M.W.H. Pinkse (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
M. Ottens (author)
Marcel Ottens (author)
J hubbuch (author)
Rational and systematic protein purification process development: the next generation
Journal article (2009) -
B. Kungah Nfor (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Luuk van der Wielen (author)
Luuk A.M. van der Wielen (author)
L.A.M. van der Wielen (author)
J hubbuch (author)
M. Ottens (author)
Marcel Ottens (author)