Krzysztof Karczewski

3 records found


Formation of hemispherical pom-pom-like clusters of nanowires during potentiostatic oxidation of copper in NH4HCO3 is reported. High-purity copper was oxidized in a three-electrode setup at constant electrode potential ranging from 200 mV to 1000 mV vs. A ...

Anodic aluminum oxide was formed by employing mild and hard anodizing in sulfuric acid followed by mild anodizing in oxalic acid without oxide removal in-between at 40 and 45 V. Such multi-step anodizing, combining hard anodizing in sulfuric acid with mild anodizing in oxalic aci ...

Copper foil was anodized in 1 M KOH at potentials ranging from −400 to −100 mV vs. Ag|AgCl electrode. Cyclic voltammetry showed a distinct peak with a maximum at around −150 mV. For anodizing at −100 and −200 mV, nanowires with diameters of ca. 19 and 24 nm respectively were f ...