Xiaolong Yang

3 records found

Intermediate-mass black holes

Finding of episodic, large-scale, and powerful jet activity in a dwarf galaxy

Dwarf galaxies are characterized by a very low luminosity and low mass. Because of significant accretion and ejection activity of massive black holes, some dwarf galaxies also host low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In a few dwarf AGNs, very long baseline interferometr ...
NGC 4395 is a dwarf galaxy at a distance of about 4.3 Mpc (scale: ∼0.021 pc mas-1). It hosts an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) with a mass between ∼104 and ∼105 solar masses. The early radio observations of NGC 4395 with the very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) network, ...
In the time domain, the radio sky in particular along the Galactic plane direction may vary significantly because of various energetic activities associated with stars, stellar, and supermassive black holes. Multi-epoch Very Large Array surveys of the Galactic plane at 5.0 GHz en ...