Rajiv Ranjan


4 records found

Holistic Workload Scaling

A New Approach to Compute Acceleration in the Cloud

Workload scaling is an approach to accelerating computation and thus improving response times by replicating the exact same request multiple times and processing it in parallel on multiple nodes and accepting the result from the first node to finish. This is not unlike a TV game ...
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest Internet evolution that incorporates billions of sensors, actuators, and related software services that collectively distill high value information, perform actions that affect the physical world, and support a variety of applications co ...
The Call for this Special Issue received a number of submissions. After a two-phase review process we accepted ten high quality papers. This includes one research survey paper that gives an interesting overview of the privacy aspects in cyber physical social environments. The oth ...
In the era of the Internet of Things and social media; communities, governments, and corporations are increasingly eager to exploit new technological innovations in order to track and keep up to date with important new events. Examples of such events include the news, health rela ...