
5 records found

Back-to-the-Future Whois

An IP Address Attribution Service for Working with Historic Datasets

Researchers and practitioners often face the issue of having to attribute an IP address to an organization. For current data this is comparably easy, using services like whois or other databases. Similarly, for historic data, several entities like the RIPE NCC provide websites th ...
With the emergence of remote education and work in universi- ties due to COVID-19, the ‘zoomification’ of higher education, i.e., the migration of universities to the clouds, reached the public dis- course. Ongoing discussions reason about how this shift will take control over st ...
Algorithmic fairness aims to address the economic, moral, social, and political impact that digital systems have on populations through solutions that can be applied by service providers. Fairness frameworks do so, in part, by mapping these problems to a narrow definition and ass ...
This roundtable discussion, sponsored by a SSHRC Connection Grant, brings together four international faculty members from a range of academic and industry backgrounds in engineering and social sciences to discuss how they engage with equity and social justice issues in their wor ...
This roundtable discussion, sponsored by a SSHRC Connection Grant, brings together four international faculty members from a range of academic and industry backgrounds in engineering and social sciences to discuss how they engage with equity and social justice issues in their wor ...


7 records found

Designing for Usability

A Statistical Disclosure Control Tool for Microdata Sets

Governments across the world looking to implement Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives undergo many problems. One such problem is the risk to privacy from opening data sets as most of the data is at a microdata level which corresponds to specific individuals. A solution to such ...

Guiding the specification of sociotechnical Machine Learning systems

Addressing vulnerabilities and challenges in Machine Learning practice

There is a need for a more comprehensive sociotechnical systems view on ML. Such a view looks at the development and use of an ML system in practice as being a sociotechnical ML system: "a system consisting of technical artefacts, human agents and institutions, in which a machine ...

Cloud Migration and Security

Case Study of Rabobank

Cloud computing is one of the state-of-the-art technologies that has led to considerable transformations in an organization. Because of its numerous benefits like scalability, cost-efficiency, and security many organizations are migrating to the cloud. However, the process of mig ...

Privacy issues of mobile phone companies’ usage of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology

Analysing the use of UWB in mobile phones from a multi-actor perspective, magnifying privacy concerns and formulating guidelines

Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology became unregulated within the EU in 2007. Most recently, it was integrated into mobile phones in 2019, notably Apply and Samsung adding it to all their newer models. While UWB is characterised as a radio technology with any signal above 500 MHz, it ...

Privacy: the more, the merrier?

A case study of how Amazon uses privacy protection to expand its power over IoT manufacturers

Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) have historically been used for safeguarding individual privacy from both public and private interference. But lately, tech companies have started using PETs as one instrument for the expansion of their power over different actors, as appears ...
In a globalized world, the rapid development in digital technologies and finance has enabled the successful growth of Airbnb around the world. The basic idea behind this growth is to take advantage of the underused assets —houses, apartments, or rooms and to profit from them. Th ...
Email communication is a crucial part of the daily processes of enterprises. Organizations can opt for traditional infrastructure on-premise or use cloud-based email services provided by (foreign) cloud service providers. In Europe in particular, organizations from crucial sector ...