M.M. Teunissen


1 records found

Tussen wal en schip

Stedenbouwkundige en architectonische karakteristieken van de Heesterbuurt in Den Haag

In publicaties over de architectuur van Den Haag wordt de tussen 1915 en 1927 gebouwde Heesterbuurt nauwelijks besproken. Als gevolg van de hoorn des overvloeds in andere Haagse gebieden kwam ze vooralsnog tussen de wal en het schip terecht kwam en is ze daarmee volledig onderbel ...


19 records found

Context, birth and regeneration strategies for distressed urban areas

Four case studies on global parallels and differences

Marginalised, dilapidated, deprived, often centres of crime, poor living conditions and even poorer life prospects. It is common knowledge that this is the reality of many urban areas in numerous mega cities and not only. Each developing country has struggled with uncontrolled ur ...

A typological analysis of temporary medical structures before and during the Covid-19 pandemic

How can design help us to deal with situations of crisis and emergency?

In situations of crisis, regular hospitals often do not longer suffice the high demand for medical care. In this case, temporary medical structures become indispensable. The Covid 19 pandemic brought to the fore architectural challenges such as the spatial reorganization of healt ...

The future is flexible

Practices of flexible architecture from the post-war period as influences on future developments in architecture

As technology advances and materials evolve, architects and designers have access to innovative tools such as digital fabrication, robotic production, CNC milling, and artificial intelligence. These tools have made them more resourceful and precise in their work, allowing them to ...

Improving living standards during the interbellum

Three case studies of Dutch garden villages

At the dawn of the twentieth century people in the Netherlands were living in poor conditions. The houses were poorly ventilated, with high humidity and little daylight. Along with the poor living conditions the first World War and Economic crisis marked the start of the century. ...

Being church in 2021

An architectural research of 21th century church typologies reconnecting to society

Research about church architecture in the past few centuries mainly focussed on reuse. In the past few years, the focus of a lot of church communities has shifted towards reconnecting with society. Architectural research about this topic in church context is still lacking. This i ...

Philips as pulse for the development of Eindhoven

The value of the Philips heritage around the Emmasingel for the future of Eindhoven

Eindhoven and Philips, two names that are inseparable from each other. Travelling by train to Eindhoven you are accompanied by the heritage of Philips next to the railway. Travelling by car to Eindhoven along the highway you pass the Medical Centre of Philips in the north and the ...


The redevelopment of a fortified city

Demolition or renovation has always been a matter of debate in the built environment, especially in densely populated cities with little room for new construction. In the past, people often opted for the former, demolition, but today people are increasingly realizing what has alr ...

Developments of assisted living facilities for mentally disabled people from the interbellum period until present day

Towards the transition of assisted living facilities for mentally disabled people from healthcare institutions to a real home

Over the course of the 20th century, healthcare in general has seen many beneficial developments (e.g. medicine, procedures, hygiene etc.) However, when looking at assisted living facilities for mentally disabled people, a development towards an environment that largely resembles ...

Designing tranquillity

A (brief) history of designing stress reducing mental health care facilities

In designing tranquillity, a historical research is conducted into the architectural design of psychiatric institutions from the 19th century in the United States. During the 19th century there was a lot of social change which led to the collaboration between physicians and archi ...

Towards a Sociable Work Environment

Analysis of the evolution of office building infrastructures in Belgium and the influence of work organizational strategies on the comfort of workers

In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic forced an important part of the population to stay home and to experience the telework. This context of major crisis was an opportunity for utopists and idealists to speculate about the future of the general organization of our civilization. On June ...

Towards time-based architectural strategy

Interpretation of metabolism under the scope of circular design

Metabolism as the avant-garde architectural movement in Japan, reflects the thinking for the future toward changes, new technology, and social resilience by the 1960s Japanese architects. The movement is deeply rooted in the Japanese Buddhist belief based on reincarnation and arc ...

Towards time-based architectural strategy

Interpretation of metabolism under the scope of circular design

Metabolism as the avant-garde architectural movement in Japan, reflects the thinking for the future toward changes, new technology, and social resilience by the 1960s Japanese architects. The movement is deeply rooted in the Japanese Buddhist belief based on reincarnation and arc ...

Governed from a parking lot

The distinctive architectural qualities of the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs and temporary House of Representatives

The focal point of this thesis lies within the state building situated on Bezuidenhoutseweg in The Hague. Having been inaugurated in 1985, the edifice functioned as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for approximately 35 years and, from 2021 onwards, as a temporary accommodation for ...

Revisiting interior microclimates: adaptive practices and the shifting paradigm of comfort

In the context of climate change, how can we redefine the modern notion of comfort in interior microclimates, and what insights can be gained from historical vernacular practices to guide the development of adaptive and resilient living environments?

“Comfort […] is in short supply. Not because the world is running out of it but because, in the face of the climate crisis, we have to collectively adjust to its going away” (Barber, 2019, p. 44). During the last century, the Western hemisphere has grown accustomed to high standa ...

Time for difference

A history thesis about two postwar movements, two architects, two countries, that both changed the perspective towards architecture

After the second world war two movements evolved as a reaction to the developments the war brought into society and built environment. The comparison involves the movements metabolism and structuralism both from the lenses of the protagonists of these movements: Kenzo Tange and H ...

Beyond walls and altars

Shaping Spiritual Landscapes in the Modernist Chapel Potentiality, Embodied Search for Transformation, Architectural Evolution of Spiritual Space

This study examines the complex interplay of utopian vision, embodied experience, and social change within the context of modernistic religious architecture. Using Manfred Tafuri's critique of architectural utopianism (1976) and Giorgio Agamben's potentiality theory (2004) as a f ...

Viability of Additive manufacturing in fabricating Architectural Products

An Academic Review on the Current State of Industry 4.0, Digital Fabrication Methods and Sustainability Goals for the contemporary Architectural practice

This paper explores the potential of Additive Manufacturing (AM) in contemporary architecture within the context of Industry 4.0 and sustainability goals. The paper provides a historic overview of manufacturing through classification of Industrial revolutions. It discusses the so ...

A place for the traditional architectural ornament in contemporary architecture

The revitalisation of ornaments in contemporary architecture and its benefits to mental health

Ornaments have been a cornerstone of architecture since its beginning, many types of ornaments have been created as means of expression for designers and developers, transferring ideas of religion, politics, and society. But in the historic timeline of architecture, the inclusion ...

Green architecture and well-being

Case studies of preschool design in the Netherlands

This thesis aims to investigate the impact of green architecture features on the well-being of children and staff in Dutch preschools, addressing a gap in previous research. It considers six forms of well-being: physical, emotional, environmental, financial, personal development, ...