Jesper Elzinga


2 records found

Optimizing industrial‐scale coral reef restoration

Comparing harvesting wild coral spawn slicks and transplanting gravid adult colonies

Accelerating coral reef restoration is a global challenge that has been attempted around the world. Previous attempts show varying levels of success at localized‐scales, but comparisons of cost and benefits to evaluate large‐scale reef restoration approaches are lacking. Here, we ...
Accelerating the restoration and recovery of coral populations is a global challenge that has been attempted on many coral reefs around the world. Previous approaches have shown varying levels of success at localised scales, but the comparison of cost and benefits to develop larg ...


2 records found

Underwater Noise

An analysis to the relevant criteria for positioning a bubble curtain

Wind turbines are growing in size and therefore their foundations, become larger as well. Additionally, they are placed in deeper waters. This results in the industry being at the limit of underwater noise levels generated by impact piling during the installation phase of monopil ...

The mitigation of noise by a big bubble curtain

A study into the optimization of a big bubble curtain configuration and a contribution to noise mitigation modelling

With a worldwide growing consensus on fossil fuel combustion have a negative impact on climate, society, and biodiversity, the urge for renewable energies is growing rapidly. One the most widely used renewable energy source is wind energy and for this purpose both onshore and off ...