Robbert Krebbers


3 records found

Verifying the Semantics of Disambiguation Rules

Using Parse Tree Repairing for Showing Safety and Completeness of Associativity and Priority Rules

Context-free grammars (CFGs) provide a well-known formalism for the specification of programming languages. They describe the structure of a program in terms of parse trees. One major issue of CFGs is ambiguity, where one sentence can sometimes have multiple different parse trees ...
Formal verification of imperative programs can be carried out on paper by annotating programs to obtain an outline of a proof in the style of Hoare. This process has been mechanized by the introduction of Separation Logic and computer assisted verification tools. However, the too ...
Interaction trees are an active development in representing effectful and impure pro- grams in the Coq proof assistant. Examples of programs they can represent are programs that use: mutable state, concurrency and general recursion. Besides representing these programs we also wan ...