Tom Verstraete

6 records found


A computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code for steady simulations solves a set of non-linear partial differential equations using an iterative time stepping process, which could follow an explicit or an implicit scheme. On the CPU, the difference between both time stepping methods ...
Steady state simulations in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which rely on implicit time integration, are not experiencing great accelerations on GPUs. Moreover, most of the reported acceleration effort concerns solving the linear system of equations while neglecting the accel ...
Differential Evolution (DE) is a powerful stochastic optimization method. Compared to gradient-based algorithms, DE is able to avoid local minima but requires at the same time more function evaluations. In turbomachinery applications, function evaluations are performed with time- ...
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are a promising alternative hardware to Central Processing Units (CPU) for accelerating applications with a high computational power demand. In many fields researchers are taking advantage of the high computational power present in GPUs to speed u ...


Adjoint-Based Inverse Design of Axial Compressor Airfoils

Development & Evaluation of a New Design Method

Direct design optimisation methods for turbomachinery blades have consistently gained in popularity over time. This has been accomplished by significant advances in optimisation algorithms, and notably the development of adjoint-based gradient computation, which provides objectiv ...