A.J. Berkhout


20 records found

Joint migration inversion

Simultaneous determination of velocity fields and depth images using all orders of scattering

The future in seismic exploration and seismic monitoring is the inclusion of all orders of scattering in the imaging and inversionalgorithms. Using the full wavefield in an inversion process allows us to surpass imprints provided by incomplete acquisition and provide more accurat ...
A marine source generates both a direct wavefield and a ghost wavefield. This is caused by the strong surface reflectivity, resulting in a blended source array, the blending process being natural. The two unblended response wavefields correspond to the real source at the actual l ...
It is shown that deghosting is actually a data-adaptive deblending process. This special deblending process is nonlinear and can be carried out such that the effect of noise is minimized. Our algorithm is explained and illustrated with examples. @en
The migration of full wavefields (primaries + multiples) by using the concept of secondary sources at each subsurface grid point is summarized. These secondary sources are two way and contain the grid-point reflection as well as the grid-point transmission properties. They "assis ...
Low frequencies are most important in seismic imaging. They enhance the resolution, penetrate deeper and they are indispensable in impedance estimation. In this paper a fourstep approach for enhancing the low frequencies in marine acquisition and (pre)processing is proposed: 1) p ...
Low frequencies are very important in seismic imaging. They penetrate deeper and they are indispensable in impedance estimation. High frequencies enhance the resolution and provide detailed information. In this paper the following three steps are proposed to realize ultra wideba ...
Jubileumuitgave ter gelegenheid van 100 jaar KNCV Visie: Tien deskundigen en prominenten vertegewoordigers van de wetenschap, de industrie of de overheid geven een visionaire kijk op de toekomst. Op weg naar 2010: ontwikkelingen en trends in het komende decennium: In de nieuwe k ...