Bart Schotsman

3 records found


This study reports an experimental investigation of the fatigue and fracture resistance of R350HT, a heat-treated pearlitic rail steel with refined microstructure used in rails. Monotonic tensile, rotating bending, linear elastic plane strain fracture toughness, and fatigue cr ...

R350HT is a standard premium heat-treated rail steel and the reference for new rail steel development. The present study discusses an experimental characterization of fatigue crack growth rate and fracture toughness for this refined pearlitic rail steel in mode-I-loading. The ...


On the railway line between Zutphen and Hengelo in the Netherlands, rolling contact fatigue (RCF) defects are found at the surface of the rail. RCF is a known hazard to the safe operation of railways, the cracks can cause transverse rail fracture, which may result in derailment. ...